EDITORIAL | Use new EHS Building

With classes beginning Monday in the new Education and Human Services Building, it is finally being used for the purpose it was designed for: serving students. Now that it is fully operational, students and faculty on campus should strive to make using the building a priority, especially this fall.

The technology in the building is unmatched on campus. Computers in most rooms, conference rooms with whiteboard projection screens, the list goes on. The College of Education and Human Services should also make rooms available for registered student organizations on campus to use and learn the technology. There should not be a night in the fall where students look up to the glass-encompassed rooms at the end of the building and not see people using them.

And just as with other new facilities, this building should be allowed to be used freely. Until it is proven that students are not responsible with the building's new technologies, they should offer them the opportunity to expand and learn with what students will need to know in the future.

This building will help the students on campus learn not just about education, but also give them the opportunity to expand on their college experience. Professors should work to teach study sessions using the technology. Program Board should work to get their on-campus movies in the EHS Building's auditorium. Non-education students should go buy their bagel and coffee in the new Einstein Bros. Bagels. A $50 million building demands it.
