Greeks clean the streets

Central Michigan University Greek organizations will be participating in the final “Greeks Clean the Streets” of the semester this Sunday.

On Nov. 9 at 12 p.m., fraternity and sorority members will go from High Street to Bellows Street and Douglas Street to Lansing Street cleaning up trash from the weekend..

Four years ago “Greeks Clean the Streets” was started by Sigma Alpha Epsilon member Jon Reusch and Jeff Pickler, a code enforcement officer from the city of Mount Pleasant. The focus of this community event is for Greek students to volunteer time to clean campus and the neighborhoods. It is also hoped that with this program, the image of Greek life and what they can do will be improved.

Around 40 students from Central Michigan University’s sororities and fraternities will contribute their time to collect trash in the area. Typically 30 to 40 bags of trash is collected.

Greeks will be meeting in the Grawn Hall Parking Lot 3 to starting the cleaning.
