Isabella County celebrates 150 years

To celebrate 150 years, Isabella County has been throwing a year-long sesquicentennial celebration.

Events started in February will conclude in December.

The Sesquicentennial Committee has been planning the events for about two years and split into subcommittees to handle the many events, said Committee Member Mary Ellen Brandell.

"All of us have taken turns at different events," she said.

Brandell said she worked on the school subcommittee and so far, they have provided schools with a picture book and coloring book about the county's history. The committee also plans on making a video for the school system.

"The committee from the beginning has sought to have all activities youth friendly...(and) involve all communities of the county in planning and carrying out the events in their area," Committee chairperson Loren Anderson said in an e-mail to Central Michigan Life.

Many businesses, organizations and individuals were eager to participate in the events, Brandell said.

"We put the word out months ago," she said. "A lot of people came forward."

Anderson said he was happy to see so many people volunteer.

"Part of the personal pleasure for me has been the opportunity to observe many hundreds of volunteers pull together to make (this) a memorable event," he said.

September events include a historic barn tour, a Victorian Tea funeral cemetery walk and the 5th annual Civil War Muster. In October, the Mount Pleasant Area Historical Society is organizing a Historical quilt hop.
