JRN 466: Advertising Campaign works with Ally Bank as a real client

Real-world experience might be what sets a student apart from their peers.

By taking a class with Doug Berry, professor of journalism, students can hope to gain experience that is pertinent within the advertising industry. For his class JRN 466: Advertising Campaign, Berry used past industry contacts to create something better than a life-like experience.

“I thought it would be a great experience for students to get a real client for the class,” he said. “They’re doing something very similar to what a real agency is doing."

With the help of Ally Bank, students are working on a real creative brief and coming up with their own ideas, which will be presented to the client after finals week in Detroit.

“We don’t use a book,” said Canton sophomore Jackie Denomme. “Which is great, because advertising is all hands-on. I’m just glad I get to see how the whole process works.”

Behind great advertising campaigns are great brainstorming sessions.

“My favorite part about the class is hearing everyone's ideas and being able to come up with fun, new ideas with all of our different creativeness coming together,” said Tori McQuarter, a Pinconning senior. “Without the mix of students in the class, I don't think we would have as good of ideas as we do. We really feed off of each other, and I love that dynamic that we have.”

Denomme said their strategies are trying to hone in on Ally’s “anti-bank approach.”

“We have two strategies: ‘We’ve got your back’ and ‘We take the bullshit out of banking,'” Denomme said.

Both McQuarter and Denomme agreed the project is a great opportunity.

It's going to give me experience presenting to real-world clients, which is something I have never done before,” McQuarter said. “It also gives us all a chance to see what it's like to work for a client in the real world, which is such a huge learning experience that I am incredibly thankful for"
