Academic Senate changes curriculum authority document regarding degree modifications


Academic Senate meets Tuesday, Nov. 7 in Pearce Hall, room 138. 

Academic Senate passed a new initiative for handling degree revisions. 

The Curriculum Authority Document (CAD) was changed at the Academic Senate meeting Nov. 7 in Pearce Hall. The CAD is Central Michigan University's official guideline to handling curricular proposals.

Senators approved that modifications and proposals to academic programs will now be directly discussed at official meetings.

“This will put some more work on us as we will now have to deal with changes in (program) requirements,” said Senate Chair Brad Swanson. 

Degree changes will be required to go to the appropriate Senate Review Committee (SRC) before being brought onto the senate floor. 

A SRC will be reviewing possible creations of concentrations, lists of required courses and deletions of existing majors or minors. Changes made under these revisions will be placed on the Academic Senate website and brought to the bulletin only if objections arise. 

Academic Senate will now be directly handling the creation or deletion of a designator, changes in degree requirements that affect the number of credit hour requirements and the deletion of a degree. 

Changes in the University Program or Competency demands in the General Education program at CMU will also be brought directly to the Academic Senate. 

Swanson said revisions that come in on a large scale will now have more of an opportunity to come to the senate and be discussed. 

The rationale behind the initiative sprouted from the decrease from to 120 credit hours required by undergraduate students. 

Swanson said revisions in the credit hour modifications for attaining a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees are to be discussed soon. 

The creation of a new minor contributing to communication study was also passed at the meeting. 

The Health Communication minor is designed to establish a Communication outlet applying to various forms of health-related professions. The minor will focus on communication on health-related contexts. 

President George Ross was not in attendance at the meeting, but Provost Michael Gealt provided his report. Gealt said the Academic Organization Review committees have been working productively to meet their tasks. 

Gealt said a policy has also been approved for the evaluation of deans and other academic senior officers. He said the process occurs only once in every six years. 

“Everyone should run to look,” Gealt said regarding the revisions. 

The policy judges individuals based off of university priorities such as fundraising and personnel management skills, effective communication and academic program management and management of fiscal resources. 

He said College of Business Administration Dean Chuck Crespy and Vice President of Information Technology Roger Rehm are up for review. 


About Samantha Shriber

Samantha Shriber is a staff reporter at Central Michigan Life and is a Saint Clair Shores ...

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