Dalai Lama a man of peace

In response to Huiman Gan’s CM YOU response to how she feels about Obama winning the Nobel Price.

I think that it’s absolutely tragic the information Chinese citizens are given about the events that occur in Tibet. Huiman Gan’s sarcastic remark regarding the Dalai Lama’s winning of the Nobel Prize is a demonstration of how far the Chinese government is willing to go to discredit a community leader that doesn’t toe the party line.

Everyone’s opinion is valued here in America, and I understand the desire for a united China, but I cannot in good conscience let her statement go without a response. The Dalai Lama is a peaceful person and has consistently spoken out against using violence to promote the independence of Tibet. In fact, he even supports allowing Tibet to become a semi-autonomous region that has an elected government, but is still subject to the Chinese government. He has been a champion for peace, and only wants Tibet to be represented by its people, and not the communist government of China.

Until a healthy dialogue, free of propaganda, is undertaken, I fear Tibet will remain a contested region for a long time.

Victor Leichner, Saginaw Senior
