"That's when you know you had too much"

Like most college students, I enjoy a beer now and then.

Sometimes I even like to have four or five. This is not unique.

Drinking is not alien to college campuses. In fact, most would say it’s part of our weekly lives, primarily Thursday-to-Saturday. Those nights are the best nights of the week to wander the streets of Mount Pleasant and observe the scenery.

Downtown on Main Street is by far my favorite place to people-watch on the weekends. It offers the most eclectic group of drinkers. There are townies, students, professors and alumni all mixed into a three-to four-block area. It makes for an especially interesting time.

Every time I am out with friends, the same conversation comes up, usually spawned by one of us saying, “Man, that’s how you know you’ve had too much.”

Last weekend, the ‘That’s When You Know You’ve Had Too Much’ moment happened when I was working at one of the local Subways. A guy came in at 10:30 a.m., obviously tanked. He managed to order his sub and told me he had been drinking since five.

I asked him, “5 a.m.?”

His answer was astonishing. “No, since five yesterday afternoon.”

Five in the afternoon — of the previous day! When you’ve hit 17 hours of drinking – that’s when you know you’ve had too much.

Not a night out goes by without encountering someone who has definitely had way too much to drink. Here are a few ways you will know if you’ve had too much.

You know you’ve had too much when, at the Wayside, you finally decide you’ve had enough and want to leave.

But when you get up — from the bar by the exit — you actually have no idea where you are in relation to that exit and, instead of walking the 20 feet out the door, you walk across the building in the opposite direction straight into the bathroom, curious as to why anyone would relocate an exit.

That’s when you know you’ve had too much.

You know you’ve had too much when when you’re not only screaming “I’M A MAN! I’M A MAN!” out on your front porch, but you are wearing the following: a kilt with no undergarments, a biker jacket without a shirt underneath and combat boots.

That’s when you know you’ve had too much.

A sure way to know that you have exceeded your limit is while attempting to make it back to your apartment, you decide the to hop an eight-foot fence instead of walking around the block to get home. Hopping a fence can result in the following: loss of cell phone and other items and a neck sprain. Consequently, there’s a very painful search for your cell phone once you realize it’s gone. Meanwhile, you inform your friends that it is not their problem but in fact yours and your responsibility.

That is when you know you’ve had too much.

It is crucial to remember your limit to avoid such embarrassing circumstances and dire consequences — DUI, car accident, serious injury, etc.

Drinking is fun, and it often leads to good times and good photos. But we all have a limit. Remember, if you’re too drunk to walk, you’re too drunk to drive.

That’s when you know you’ve had too much.
