LAMBRIGHT: Central Michigan University needs to capitalize on its opportunity for a creative writing master of fine arts program

Medical schools make for great headlines.

But grandiose gestures aren’t always the best way to improve a university.

I’m not opposed to putting new tools in Central Michigan University’s academic toolbox, but there are issues if we are not using the tools we have to their maximum potential —­­­­ building a medical school while postponing the creation of a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program is doing just that.

CMU has some outstanding creative writing faculty, faculty who were educated in the best creative writing programs in the country, faculty who have put down roots and want to stay at CMU for a long time.

They are writers like Matt Robertson, Jeffrey Bean, Robert Fanning and Darrin Doyle who have collectively published 7 books in 10 years and have helped to create an undergraduate program that has sent young writers to the best MFA programs in the country.

The professors were trained at the best creative writing MFA programs and the students are going to the best creative writing MFA programs; we should be taking steps to put the equation to work in CMU’s favor.

Such a program would have several benefits for CMU.

“We will raise the profile of our English Department and the entire university,” Doyle said. “CMU will be seen as a destination for writers.”

This also means more money for CMU. Some students will stay and others will flock to CMU as one of few options for a creative writing MFA in Michigan.

In fact, there are only three MFA programs in the state: University of Michigan (which accepts only a dozen or so students a year), Northern Michigan University, and Western Michigan University — which would leave CMU as the only creative writing MFA program in central Michigan and in a position to make a name for itself amongst limited competition.

The best part? All the things CMU needs to make this happen are already here. The professors are here. The students are here. The money is out there waiting to be made.

With all the pieces nearly in place, how long will it take CMU’s bureaucracy to solve the puzzle?
