LETTER: Take care of those around you

Many of you have seen, read or heard about Matt's story. I'd like to add a bit more. First of all, I'd like to thank those individuals who stayed and helped him after the fall. We were led to believe no one was with him; that everyone ran to avoid the police.

That was heartbreaking to me. We have since learned otherwise.

Thank you to the young adults, police, first responders and to the medical personnel at Mount Pleasant Community Hospital. You all got him stabilized within the very critical first hour. That made a HUGE difference to the outcome we see today.

Yes, he drank too much that night. Yes, we had talked to him repeatedly. Yes, our own family and friends are responsible drinkers. No one is to blame but him.

As someone said to us "What you do matters." It matters whether you help or not, encourage or discourage your friends to drink, run or stay when trouble happens. It mattered when his friends visited constantly and encouraged his recovery both in and out of the hospital, rehab. facility and at home.

It mattered once he got home who came over to just watch a game or show on TV. It mattered when his friends took him out to eat or just get ice cream. It mattered who texted me or him to get updates about his recovery. It mattered who sent cards and said prayers. It all mattered. He is where he is today because many, many people cared enough to do something that mattered.

Take care of your friends. They are what matters.

Laura Herrod
