Holiday repairs cost Facilities Management about $645,000


Baylen Brown | Staff Photographer

Workers complete the finishing touches on the renovations to the staples auditorium located in the music building on CMU's campus."Now we are just wiping down to make sure we don't leave dust behind," one worker said,"Especially on all the speakers and lighting equipment."

Spending roughly $640,000 on campus-wide repairs, Facilities Management has been hard at work during holiday break.

Repairs included replacing doors and windows in Moore Hall, acoustical upgrades to Staples’ Recital Hall and Percussion Studio and a replacement of carpeting in Celani and Fabiano halls.

Moore Hall’s renovations will cost $201,360. Renovations to Staples Family Recital Hall will cost Facilities Management $274,000, while the replace in carpeting in the dorms Celani and Fabiano will cost $60,000 and $57,000 respectively.

Facilities Management continue work on their “two ongoing projects, CMED Phase 1 and the Biosciences Building,” said Vice President of Facilities Management Steve Lawrence.

CMED Phase 1 is the of ongoing construction on CMED East in Saginaw.

“(Facilities Management would be) continuing the construction of the CMED Phase 1 facility focusing on painting and flooring at Covenant Hospital through the Holiday Break,” Lawrence said.

Other long term renovations and repairs on campus include the second floor of Wightman Hall, which will feature a merchandising lab in Room 226 for apparel merchandising and design students. The labs, which needed to be cleared of asbestos, are expected to be renovated by the end of summer

Megan Goodwin, chair of the department Human Environmental Studies, said that air quality meets standard expectations.

“It will be a place where (students) can design and do similar merchandising types of activities they will experience in the workforce,” she said.

Construction for the Biosciences Building will continue well into September 2016. The building will be open and ready for classes by January 2017. The complete cost of the building when finished will stand at $95 million.

Crews will continue pouring concrete for the 169,000 square-foot Biosciences Building throughout the duration of the school year. Protective winterization procedures have been implemented, and the project will remain on schedule and is expected to be complete on time, weather permitting.


About Jordyn Hermani

Troy senior Jordyn Hermani, Editor-in-Chief of Central Michigan Life, is a double major ...

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