Letter to the Editor: Action today for a better tomorrow


Present-day science is on the cutting edge of exciting discoveries in early childhood brain development. Science tells us that early prenatal or postnatal experiences can have a positive or adverse chemical effect on the genes of a developing child. 

It is not solely poverty that matters for children’s outcomes, but also the timing of child poverty. Emerging evidence highlights the critical importance of early childhood in brain development for establishing the neural functions and structures that shape future cognitive, social, emotional and health outcomes. Children need positive, loving and high quality experiences to fine tune the initial hardwiring of the brain for maximum efficiently and future learning.

The “Strong Start for America’s Children Bill” would ensure children have the high-quality early learning experiences they need to succeed in school and in life. The legislation would guarantee access to high-quality prekindergarten for all four year olds in low and moderate-income families - families with incomes at or below 200 percent of poverty. These are children who are more likely to lack access to, yet stand to benefit the most from, high-quality prekindergarten. 

High-quality care for infants and toddlers is scarce in many communities and often difficult to afford. The average cost of full-time infant care ranges from over $3,900 to over $16,400 a year, depending on where a family lives and the type of care according to the National Women’s Law Center.  

Regardless of how it is paid for, it is clearly an investment worth making because of its high returns. The initial costs are outweighed by the long-term benefits, as children who participate in high-quality preschool are less likely to repeat a grade or require special education while in school, and less likely to commit crimes or rely on welfare and more likely to be employed and contribute to the economy as adults. Please support this legislation. As a country who demands a better tomorrow, we need to start action today. 



