COLUMN: To do our best reporting, we need sources who are willing to tell the truth


In my time working at Central Michigan Life so far, I have met so many people and experienced this university in a unique way.

The students whose stories I’ve told have shown me a new perspective.

The administrators and faculty members I have interviewed have exhibited how passionate they are about the students and the university.

We don’t always get that same eager response from other sources.

Some people would rather stay silent than share their perspectives and expertise on a topic. Some say they don’t have time.

Talk to us.

Please. For the sake of the truth, the university and the students — talk to us.

We are here as the voice of the student body. We want to report on the topics and issues that affect Central Michigan University. We can’t do that without you — the staff, faculty and students.

We want to be your guide to the what is happening on campus and around the community. We care about the things you care about.

For a story to be well-rounded and complete, we need to hear from a wide variety of sources. We need your perspectives and your thoughts.

To the different entities around campus who are always thrilled to meet with us and give us your time — thank you. We and everyone on this campus appreciate the time and effort you take to contribute to these stories that will in turn inform and benefit the general public.  

I know administrators and faculty members are busy. So are student journalists. I know some students are afraid of coming forward with information, believing they might make an organization look bad by speaking out. I know there is more on a person’s daily plate than just being a source for a story. 

But please, reciprocate the action. Make it work. Make the time. You don’t know who you could be helping by being that voice, by taking the step forward and talking to us.

Your voice is the most important aspect in a story. Going without it hinders the strength and impact in a piece. 

We are here in the CM Life office Monday through Friday and even on Sundays. Give us a call, send us an email either to or You can also message us on Twitter (@CMLife) or Facebook (Central Michigan Life). Respond when we reach out. We’ll respond when you reach out to us.

But first, you have to let us listen.

Let us tell your stories.

Together, we can make this campus a better, safer place. 


About Emma Dale

Editor-in-Chief Emma Dale is a junior from Grand Haven double majoring in journalism and political ...

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