Last day for students to withdraw from classes Nov. 1


The last day students can withdraw from individual classes for the 2019 fall semester on CentralLink Course Search and Registration is before 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 1.

Withdrawing by Nov. 1 will result in a “W” grade, and students will be unable to withdraw after the deadline unless they have "extenuating circumstances." These exceptions are defined in CMU's policy, and students are required to submit an appeal to the registrar's office. In the case of these circumstances, the deadline to withdraw from all courses is set on Nov. 29.

After Nov. 1, students will receive an "E" for failing work and a "W" for passing work of a "D-" or better. Students may not be withdrawn completely from the university during the final week of regular classes or exams.

For Global Campus courses or online classes, the drop and withdrawal deadlines are different from main campus courses.

More information on the course drop/withdrawal process, including dates and how financial aid is impacted, can be found here.
