Barnes to serve students over weekend

Students are electing to stay in Mount Pleasant even with campus closing down for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.

With the exception of Barnes Hall, all residence halls are closed during holidays.

At 6 p.m. Wednesday, the halls close to students who will not be staying during the holiday, said Barnes Residence Hall Director Luanne Nelson.

Students staying on campus during the Thanksgiving weekend will be charged an extra $40. The fee can be charged to student accounts.

There also is a need to have staff members work because there will be students staying in Barnes Hall.

“It is on a voluntary basis for staff members to work,” Nelson said. “I first offer the option to Barnes staff, and if I’m not able to fill with Barnes staff, I offer it to people outside of Barnes.”

She said the staff plans the events during the Thanksgiving holiday.

“We don’t have activities scheduled for over the break, but the staff members on duty will usually do something,” Nelson said. “In the past they have coordinated a dinner or movie night to get people together for activities.”

She said people not staying in the hall come to the activities staff members plan.

“The activities are geared toward students in the hall, but others usually attend,” Nelson said. “Sometimes we have friends of international students that live off campus in apartments come, and we’ve had people from the community help with stuff.”

Free time with few people on campus limits activity choices for students.

“A lot of students find it a good time to catch up on sleep, catch up on movies and spend time with friends,” she said.

For more information, call the Barnes Hall front desk at 774-4289.

Celebration! Cinema, 4935 E. Pickard Road, and The Wayside Central, 2000 S. Mission St., will be open during their usual operation hours for Thanksgiving.

Bennigan’s, 2424 S. Mission St., and Applebee’s, 4929 E. Pickard Road, will have regular business hours during the break, but will be closed for Thanksgiving.
