Nine protest Jackson's speech outside Rose

About nine students braved the cold to say the Rev. Jesse Jackson is not a good representative of the Civil Rights Movement.

The group gathered outside Rose Arena, where Jackson spoke, at 6 p.m. on Tuesday.

"I think Jesse Jackson is a loudmouthed individual," said Michigan State University senior Joanna Varnavas. "Because he's a loudmouth, I'm being loud back."

Varnavas, who transferred to MSU from CMU, carried a sign that read "Je$$e, show me the $."

Others carried signs reading "No racial preferences" or "Jesse - I'm colorblind, are you?"

Young Americans for Freedom President Dennis Lennox II carried a megaphone repeating phrases such as "Unity, not divisiveness," and "Jesse Jackson, go home."

The Topinabee sophomore said the number of students carrying notebooks into the speech was unfortunate.

"It's unfortunate that students are being required to come," Lennox said. "CMU should be confident that students would come."

Saginaw sophomore Cameron McDonald said he was surprised to see the rally.

"I thought they were just playing - it's just a speech," he said. "It's very disrespectful."

Michelle Davis, 36, interacted with the protesters before attending Jackson's speech.

"Unfortunately, in this country people are not treated equally," said Davis, who teaches at Northern High School in Detroit. "If we're going to talk about differing ideas, we need to do it respectfully."

Varnavas said she felt the price for Jackson's speaking appointments was an indication of his priorities.

"If he was just here to spread a message, he wouldn't be charging $20,000," she said.

Numerous campus organizations contributed funds to cover the $20,000 cost to have Jackson speak on campus.

Clinton Township junior Andrew Sosnoski and MSU YAF chairman and sophomore Kyle Bristow also participated in the rally.

"I always tell my students the ones who are making the most noise usually have the least to say," Davis said.

The group stayed until about 7 p.m., the time when Jackson's speech was scheduled to start.

Lennox said he was happy with the turnout for the rally.

"We got our message across," he said. "I want people to see the signs and say 'wow' and look into it."
