Make your voice heard in SGA elections

In theory, the Student Government Association is the voice of the Central Michigan University student body.

But this aim falls flat if students do not take the time to participate actively.

As the SGA elections approach, students should learn the candidates' platforms and attend available forums.

The SGA leadership should reflect what matters most to students. The only way to know whether a candidate's positions match your views is to take the time to research and to cast an educated vote.

Central Michigan Life on Friday published the names of the candidates and their key positions. The issue also included coverage of a press conference for the candidates.

From four-year academic plans to the Graduate Assistant Bill, the candidates' proposals run the gamut.

Voting is not a complex process, either. Students need only to visit from March 30 to April 3 to have their voices heard.

In a time of economic troubles and tightening resources, it's essential that students have a say in the university's administrative direction. The SGA is one way they can do so. But, again, the leadership offices mean little if they do not reflect the will of the student body.

Likewise, students should not cast a vote and then remain passive throughout the following academic year. Students should actively pressure the SGA to put its goals into action - to be more than high talk.

The elections should be only the first step. But last year, the SGA elections garnered only 1,722 total votes, which is less than 10 percent of the student body.

We hope to see a more impressive turnout this year.
