The spirit of Halloween is to have fun, not get offended over silly costumes

I was considering dressing up like a bean for halloween and jumping around, posing an obviously bad Mexican accent.

Then I discovered that even remotely joking about a nationality might make you a racist. Retailers have been getting a lot of flack for an “Illegal Alien” costume. The costume features an orange jumpsuit with the label “Illegal Alien.” It comes with a mask of an alien you would expect to see at Area 51.

The green card accompanying the ensemble is the only link to illegal immigrants.

Apparently, it’s enough for an outrage. The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles protested it. The Latin Americans United for Progress said the costume was in “poor taste.” In the end, retailers ended up pulling the costume.

Well, of course its in poor taste — it’s Halloween! The whole holiday is aimed at poor taste! Kids run around dressed up as the dead. College students get rambunctious with scandalous outfits. It’s the one time of the year for mischief, where everyone gets creative with their costumes and nothing is taken too seriously.

But because some people are incapable of laughing at themselves, being an illegal alien is morally wrong. Being covered in fake blood is acceptable. Dressing up like a creature straight out of your nightmare is encouraging.

This is just another case where “political correctness” ruined some fun. Of all the problems illegal aliens are facing — no healthcare, low wages, poor housing, etc. - complaints are being made over one costume. Glad the special interest groups are going through great strides to help illegal immigrants.

Get over yourself. Have a little bit of humor and laugh.

No one’s saying we should deport all illegal immigrants. The costume is not a go-ahead to treat immigrants inhumanely this Halloween. The costume does allow us to look at an issue that is complex and have a little fun with it, defusing some of the tension.

The costume is nothing more than a clever play on words. But alas, Halloween is no longer allowed to be so clever.

So instead of the Mexican Jumping Bean, I’ll be Joe Biden this year and walk around with a shoe in my mouth.

Or at least until the Democrats complain that my costume is offensive to their party.
