Luncheon gives students chance to network

Kevin Cotter thinks of Central Michigan University’s Past and Present luncheon as a great way to open lines of communication with the school’s community at large.

The event, held last week in the Bovee University Center Rotunda, offered students and alumni in similar career fields a chance to network with one another.

“It’s a great event,” said Cotter, a CMU alumni and candidate for State Representative in Michigan’s 99th District. “I am very happy I was invited. There have been great questions, and it’s a great opportunity to connect with students and the university.”

The luncheon, sponsored by the CMU Student Alumni Association, is in its sixth year at the university.

“We want to provide students and alumni a chance to network,” said Anne Sanders, associate director of Alumni Relations and CMU Student Alumni Association adviser. “By bridging a gap between students and alumni, we match up students who want to be in a particular field with alumni who were in them.”

Before the participants had lunch, they spent time talking with those in attendance.

The students and the alumni had a wide variety of concentrations, careers and studies, and the alumni had plenty of information to offer current students.

“I didn’t understand the real importance of networking,” said alumna Michelle McManaway. “I think that it’s a great idea for students and alumni to come together and network and learn about the real world.”

The luncheon, for many, offers a perspective of the everyday, corporate environment.

“This is my first event,” said Nicole Batway, a Wyoming freshman. “I wanted to be a part of it because I wanted to be involved on campus and because I wanted to help build my future.”

Students also get a chance to talk about future opportunities with those in their potential fields.

“I loved the luncheon because you get to network and that’s something that’s not the easiest thing to do,” said Detroit sophomore Christina Clemons. “I can meet people and internship and volunteer.”
