Not all smells are pleasant with the warmer weather

Michigan has received something this year that has been very rare in recent years — a warm, pleasant mid-March.

However, as the weather warms up, there is one thing every last person who will spend an extended period of time in a college classroom must remember to do daily.

Wear deodorant.

It seems simple, it seems silly, and most people do it every single day.

However, in a warm classroom, it only takes one sweaty nonconformist to ruin it for everybody.

This is a good rule for all year round, but it becomes more important when the heat and the humidity get the sweat glands pumping, and that lecture hall slowly turns into a pressure cooker.

This soon after spring break, I’ve already noticed that certain ripeness during a class.

Someone who does not wear deodorant indicates many things about themselves by their choice not to do so.

It says they can’t spend $2.50 and 10 seconds a morning to take a step toward personal hygiene.

It says they have too little consideration for the people around them to prevent a sweaty stink from reaching their nostrils.

It also tells you things about that person based on what they will not be doing.

They will not be making new friends. They will not be trying to win over a romantic interest.

They will not be going to a formal event or a job interview.

As mentioned earlier, most people simply apply deodorant after they get out of the shower as a part of the morning routine.

Deodorant is cheap and easy to apply, and there is no reason to not wear it.

Sadly, my nostrils often tell me this is not the truth.

In a class of 40 people on a warm day, it is guaranteed that 39 of them will have put on deodorant that morning.

But there’s always that one guy.

I don’t understand That Guy’s reasoning. Does he just have no regard for personal health or hygiene?

Is he protesting or making a statement?

Does he hate people?

That Guy is a difficult creature to understand, and he rarely takes the time to explain himself.

Whatever the reason, his stink is indomitable and it overpowers everybody within a 10-foot radius.

But it’s just deodorant. There is no good reason not to wear it. That Guy has no reason to exist.

As easy as it is to actually apply deodorant, it’s just as difficult to walk up to somebody and tell them, “Homeboy, put on some deodorant.”

But a little thing like that is the kind of thing that can really stifle and taint the college education process.

So if That Guy is reading this — and I hope he is — homeboy, put on some deodorant.
