Search continues for College of Medicine associate dean

Though two associate deans for the College of Medicine have been named, one search will need to be restarted.

Ernest Yoder, dean of the College of Medicine, said the search for the Associate Dean of Student Affairs has been restarted.

“The other search, the initial search was not successful in identifying a preferred candidate,” Yoder said. “So that has been re-energized.”

In the initial search process Robert Satonik, Stephen Peterson and Mala R. Chinoy were all named as finalists for the position.

He said the number of resumes received for the second search has far outweighed the number received for the first search.

“I’m confident this will be successful,” Yoder said.

He said he had a meeting with Provost Gary Shaprio about the position last week.

“The position has been reposted and a new search committee has been appointed,” Shapiro said in an e-mailed statement.

He said the chairman of the committee will be Roger Coles, interim dean of the College of Graduate Studies.

“Applications will begin to be reviewed in early July,” Shapiro said. “We hope to have someone hired by early September.”

Yoder said the search committee for the position of associate dean of clinical affairs and hospital relations has finished their search.

“Well, the search committee for clinical affairs and hospital relations has done its work and they did a terrific job and we are talking right now with a preferred candidate,” Yoder said.

Yoder said he hopes to have an announcement soon on the position.

“We’re making good progress on the associate dean for clinical affairs and hospital relations, (they) must be somebody who is not only an expert in medical education but is a practicing physician and understands how education works in the sites of medical practice,” Yoder said.

In May, Deborah Biggs was hired as associate dean of administration and finance, while Nehad El-Sawi was named as associate dean of medical education and faculty development.

Biggs started Monday, while El-Sawi starts on July 9.

“We’ve been very careful with the search committees to identify the right individuals,” Yoder said. “Both from the perspective of their personality and the cultures they’ve grown and developed in and their expertise.”

Yoder started on June 1 and has been working with Interim Dean of the College of Medicine Cam Enarson.

Enarson will end his time at Central Michigan University on June 30.

“I think fortunately this month of overlap it has allowed us … to maximize the presence of both of us during this time,” Enarson said.
