Two academic centers in Towers open after August flood; media center still closed

Although heavy rain damaged the basement of the north Towers residence halls in August, most repairs are now finished and two academic centers have been reopened.

Rain poured into the media center, writing center and mathematics tutoring center, damaging floors and shutting the rooms down for weeks.

Students were able to return to the math and writing centers Monday, but work is still being carried out on the media center.

John Fisher, associate vice president of Residences and Auxiliary Services, said the total cost of damages is still undetermined.

“We’re still collecting invoices as they come in from companies,” Fisher said. “But no determined value of damages has been made.”

Jessica Ebels, director of academic space and remodeling, said reports of the flood water were made to the Central Michigan University Police Department Aug. 11.

The rain water came in through leaking windows above the basement and damage was mostly limited to the carpet.

“The water reached six inches overnight but the basement wasn’t completely destroyed,” said Kim Voisin, assistant director of Residence Life. “The computers in the media center were fine, but the carpet and trim throughout the basement were replaced.”

Returning students living in the Towers residence halls were not seriously affected by the flooding, she said.

“The mathematics center was moved to a classroom in Kulhavi, but the media and writing centers were closed,” Voisin said.

This week, maintenance workers continued work in the newly-carpeted media center, including placing new desks.

The same flood in August caused several different problems around campus, said Steve Lawrence, associate vice president of Facilities Management.

The mechanical building in Carey Hall was flooded with two to three feet of water, he said.
