Woodland Hospice competes in online poll to win $25,000 grant

Woodland Hospice is competing online for a $25,000 grant through EMC Insurance Companies program 100 Ways of Giving.

As a way of celebrating 100 years of business, EMC Insurance Companies decided they would give back to the communities they serve in 100 different ways. The company is giving back by having its various agencies nominate nonprofit organizations around the nation to receive $1,000.

Woodland Hospice, 2597 S. Meridian Road, was not only nominated by EMC Insurance Companies through the General Agency in Mount Pleasant, but they were also one of 100 nonprofits nationwide selected to receive the $1,000, said Melanie Muir, outreach coordinator at Woodland Hospice.

As one of the nonprofits selected, Woodland Hospice was also included in the online voting contest, in which the top four vote recipients receive an additional grant of $25,000.

“We are rallying the troops to secure a couple more thousand votes to hopefully win this $25,000 grant,” Muir said.

Woodland Hospice is a nonprofit organization that has been providing care to terminally ill patients and their families for more than 25 years, she said.

Woodland Hospice provides end-of-life care for terminally ill patients in their own homes, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, hospitals or in their own facility, the Hospice House. They also offer support for families after losing a loved one, including spiritual care and grief counseling in the Morey Bereavement Center.

Cindy Zuker, the finance supervisor at the General Agency Company, said they nominated Woodland Hospice because it is a local charity that supports local people.

“At some point, all of us are going to need these services directly or indirectly that hospice provides," Zuker said. "Hospice is so wonderful. They don’t turn anybody away, even if you can’t pay."

Fundraising is necessary for Woodland Hospice to continue providing all of its services, she said.

“We are forever fundraising,” Muir said.

Woodland Hospice will hold its third annual Rock On for Woodland Hospice fundraiser Saturday.

"Most nonprofits do a walk or a run, but hospice takes their rockers and rock in memory of lost loved ones and to honor the work that Woodland Hospice has done in the community for over 25 years,” Muir said.

To vote online for Woodland Hospice to receive the $25,000 grant or for more information on the Rock On event, visit WoodlandHospice.com.
