Golden Ambassadors form bond with one another, share 'life-long honor'


Two fifth-year seniors formed a tight bond while representing Central Michigan University as Homecoming Golden Ambassadors.

Alan Jones and Meredith Clark were named Golden Ambassadors after Friday night’s Rock Rally. The two were part of the top five male and top five female Homecoming ambassadors and were voted on by faculty and students starting Oct. 9.

Jones and Clark were linked by a mutual friend, but had never really interacted. They clicked right away, however, and spent the rest of the week hanging out. The two agreed they were thrilled to share the experience with each other.

“We have this connection and we really think we’ll stay friends,” Jones said. “I don’t know how to explain it, but we just understand each other. We’re like a Twizzler.”

Jones said Clark made things easier and more enjoyable.

Clark, a Clarkson native, was nominated by First Book, a national nonprofit organization she started at CMU. The organization promotes literacy for underprivileged children by giving them their first books.

First Book fundraises throughout the semester to provide books for two schools. She described the end result as a Christmas-morning feeling.

Clark has also been involved with Orchesis Dance Theatre since her sophomore year. She said she has been dancing since the age of three and finds a passion in every dance from ballet to hip-hop.

“I’ve had an overall positive experience here at CMU,” Clark said. “I came here as a Leadership Advancement Scholar and it has really been instrumental in my success as a student leader at CMU.”

Clark is also a lunch buddies mentor, Leadership Safari guide and is involved in the Alternative Breaks Program.

Lauren Johnson, Troy CMU alumna and close friend of Clark, said Clark is a good representation of the university and the award represents everything she strives for in life.

“Meredith is a well-rounded student with an extreme passion and drive for what she wants,” Johnson said. “She leads a good life and a lot of people can learn from her. (She's) a perfect mix between a type A and type B personality.”

Jones was nominated by his fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi. The Detroit native said his fraternity has been the outlet to many of his other involvements at CMU.

Keeping involved has been a key part of his experience. Jones is a leading member of Sexual Aggression Peer Advocates, a resident assistant in Herrig Hall, a participant of Leadership Camp and a member of Word Hammer.

Through his fraternity, he also became part of the National Pan-Hellenic Council and is now the president.

“The people here at Central have been great, and it’s a good feeling to be able to represent everyone who has supported us every day,” Jones said. “It’s as if we are the face for all those who don’t get recognition.”

In his limited spare time, Jones enjoys Netflix movies and participating in intramural sports. He also enjoys adding to his collection of bow ties and bouncy balls.

John Ketchum, a Saginaw senior and close friend of Jones said he is excited for his friend and knows he can make an impact.

“Alan doesn’t think individually, but thinks about the student body as a whole,” Ketchum said. “Alan is the person out of our whole group of friends that we look (at) to get better. He is dedicated to everything he does.”

After chatting with old winners, Jones and Clark both see being Golden Ambassadors as something that never stops giving.

“You are always a Gold(en) Ambassador,” Clark said. “This is a life-long honor, and winning is not just for us, but it’s for everyone.”

The two agreed being a Golden Ambassador has been the most memorable part of college so far, and said they felt a sense of blessing, honor, appreciation and love.

The two agreed it is exciting to see people who make a difference on campus this year and know those people could be ambassadors next year.
