Allergies accompany fall, students learn to deal with them

Although fall is the season of pumpkins, apple cider and Halloween costumes, it is also a time of dead leaves, ragweed and dusty residence hall rooms, which means fall seasonal allergies have arrived.

Fall allergies are the last thing students want to deal with. With homework, exams and presentations to worry about, runny noses, sneezing and coughing are extra stresses they can do without.

Farmington Hills freshman Geneva Bass said fall allergies are normal for her, but it does not make them any less of a distraction.

“I have them every fall,” she said. “It gets distracting a lot, because my head gets stuffed up and it becomes hard to think. Fall is when you need to think the most.”

Bass, who said she has seasonal allergies throughout the entire year except for during the winter, has learned what works best for her when it comes to combating her allergy symptoms. She said she uses painkillers to stop her head from aching. She also suggests drinking warm liquids and taking daily allergy medication.

Despite the constant annoyance of her allergy symptoms, Bass said she has never gone to the doctor for medical treatment.

“I usually tough it out,” Bass said. “I’ve never gotten to the point where I need to go see a doctor.”

Garden City sophomore Jackie LaGraff noticed her fall allergies start acting up once the weather changes. Her main worry is staying healthy throughout the fall season because allergies can often lead to head colds.

“I’m more likely to get sick when I’m dealing with allergies, so I have to be more health conscious,” she said.

LaGraff also takes care of her allergies without seeking medical attention.

“I just deal with it on my own,” LaGraff said. “It’s never been too severe.”

Medications such as nasal spray, decongestants and antihistamine eye drops can be attained through a doctor and help to keep the symptoms in check. University Health Services also offers allergy injection services for those who take allergy shots through their family doctor at home.

The biggest triggers of fall allergies are ragweed, mold and dust. Especially in residential halls, dust mites can play a huge factor in determining the severity of allergy symptoms.

Regularly cleaning vents and heaters in rooms can help reduce symptoms for those living in residence halls. There are certain measures that can be taken to diminish the effects of the fall allergies, but allergy symptoms are nuisances that have to be dealt with.

“It’s just something we all have to deal with,” LaGraff said.
