Artist Spotlight: Designer dreams of creating fashion line

Artist Spotlight is a feature that highlights the inspirations, works and aspirations of art students at Central Michigan University.

Name: Sarah Bleecker

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Canton, Mich.

Major: Apparel Merchandising

Minor: Business Administration

CM Life: What is your favorite medium?

Sarah Bleecker: I'm currently in a fashion illustration class, and we've been working with markers and colored pencils, which have been working well for me. They're much easier to control than watercolors, so I'm enjoying that.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

SB: Basically, whenever I see anything that inspires me, like in a magazine, I'll cut that out and tape it on my wall. If I see something around campus or in nature, I try to take a photo of that and then I'll put everything together and see where it takes me from there.

What kind of environment do you work best in?

SB: Sometimes, like when I'm low on ideas, I like to be around other people and see what they're up to and bounce ideas off of them. If I'm running full throttle, I like to be by myself with music playing and just see what I can crank out.

What would your dream job be?

SB: I would love to create my own fashion line.

Why art?

SB: I gravitated toward art and fashion in particular because when I was in middle school I had a hard time finding clothes that I wanted to wear. Girls clothes were too small for me, but the clothes in the juniors section were designed for much older teenagers. Something needed to change, so I decided to go into fashion to design clothes for people with different situations than the so-called "average" person.
