Burch Tank & Truck Inc. hopes to create jobs with expansion


Burch Tank & Truck Inc. is ready to expand its business once again.

Union Township voted to adopt a resolution for local Mount Pleasant tank trailer manufacturing company Burch Tank & Truck, allowing for increased city and grant funding.

Operations Manager Matt Beale hopes to continue to expand and grow Burch Tank & Truck, which would create more jobs for the community.

“We have brought several jobs to our community and we are looking to expand even further,” Beale said. “Right here in Mount Pleasant there are 25 employees, and we could be at 50.”

Burch Tank & Truck, located at 2253 Enterprise Drive, has been in Mount Pleasant for about 15 years, and has been continually expanding the last 10.

Beale said the company is running about 20 hours a day, and is in heavy search for welders and laborers.
