EDITORIAL: After a wild start to 2017, students and faculty should focus on recharging during spring break

The first two months of 2017 have been wild. 

With a new president taking office came numerous protests, alternative facts, endless "breaking news," an immigration ban and constant political debate on social media. Then the anti-Semitic Valentine's Day card appeared.

We could all use a break.

As Central Michigan University students and faculty members depart to their spring break destinations, we only ask that you take the time to do one thing — relax.

During the break, focus on recharging both physically and, most importantly, mentally. 

There will still be two months remaining in the semester when classes resume on March 13. The race to the end is only half way over. Recharging mentally and physically now will allow all of us to finish the school year strong in May.

Whether you're at the beach or at home, take the time to reflect on how you are doing. Analyze your daily routine. Identify what is corrosive to your mental health and what is positive for it. Cut out the bad things and build on the good ones. Go for a walk, a run or a swim. Go dancing with friends or stay in with loved ones. 

However you unwind, we just ask that you take care of yourself. Everyone needs a break after midterms.

And we all deserve it.

For seniors graduating, this is your last extended break from academia before entering the real world. Make the most of it.

What other adversity we will face this year remains a question. But if we focus on ourselves now and come back to campus feeling fresh and positive, we'll be ready to overcome whatever challenges we'll face.

We'll be OK. Let's just take this time to relax.
