‘Thorns’ horror movie premiere: Stars horror film legend Doug Bradley

Courtesy of THORNS. Doug Bradley plays Archbishop Jenkins in this new Michigan-made horror film.

A new Michigan-made horror film, “Thorns,” is premiering at a Red Carpet event on Saturday, Feb. 17 at Emagine Theatres in Royal Oak. 

The event starts at 6:30 p.m. and features key cast and crew including Director and Writer Doug Schulze, Editor and Co-Producer Julie Schulze and the film’s star Doug Bradley, who's known for his role as Pinhead in "Hellraiser."

“Thorns” is about a former priest who works for NASA and is sent to investigate a remote Michigan observatory that has gone offline. 

“The film deals with elements of loss faith and we kind of juggle elements of religion and science,” Schulze said. “It’s almost a little bit of a science fiction film wrapped up in a monster movie.”

At the age of 7, Schulze said he fell in love with cinema and has always known he wanted to make movies. 

He said that this premiere is a stepping stone.

“When all is said and done, I think our movie will hit anywhere between 500 and 1,000 theaters around the U.S.,” Schulze said. “That’s a pretty big deal for a smaller independent film.”

He said that Michigan fans and horror film lovers can really make a difference in a movie, and he encouraged people to come and watch “Thorns.”

There will be a live Q&A at 7 p.m. with Doug Schulze and Doug Bradley. The movie will begin immediately after at around 7:45 p.m. 

“It takes a village and a half to make a movie,” said Schulze. “Every film should be a little bit of a roller coaster ride and I think for this genre you need to deliver.”
