Local stores say "bookstore" instead of actual store name on receipt

Vinnie Crego sat down to check his bank account balance one afternoon to find a receipt from a “Mount Pleasant Bookstore,” but he hadn’t been to a bookstore in the past few months.

“I haven’t bought any books since the beginning of the semester,” said Crego, a Corunna junior.

Crego had actually not bought any books as his receipt made him believe. He had purchased something at Intimate Ideas, 5275 E. Pickard St., and when items are purchased with a credit or debit card form the store, the printed and online receipt show the name "Mount Pleasant Bookstore" instead of their corporate name.

Intimate Ideas was unavailable for comment as to why this changing of business names takes place on their credit card receipt.

“I’m not sure (why they change their name),” Crego said. “Maybe it’s in case someone else is checking your statements, so that (the real name) doesn’t show up.”

Intimate Ideas is not the only local store that does this. The Old Mission Party Store, 5030 S. Mission Road, also has their receipts come up as “Mission Bookstore.”

“It’s just been that way when the corporation formed and it has just stayed that way," Norm Shamoun, manager of the Old Mission Party Store, said.

Aleksis Landers also found her receipt to have a different name, but she was with a friend when she made this discovery online.

“We looked up the address online because we couldn’t figure it out,” the Saginaw sophomore said.

When the two girls found out that it was actually Intimate Ideas and not some mystery bookstore, they couldn’t help but laugh.

“It’s such a smart marketing idea,” Landers said. “I think they do that because they have a lot of college kids buying things and they might not want their parents that own the card to know. A book store in a college town, such a good cover.”
