LETTER: In regards to calling the Athletics Department “incompetent”

As a true football fan, this article made me want to jump through the ceiling after I read it.

To say that the athletic department is incompetent is not only unprofessional but incredibly inaccurate. Not to mention you posted inaccurate W-L records for both CMU and WMU.

Do you have any idea what goes into planning and executing a sporting event? Do you have any idea how much Central Michigan’s athletic budget is for a given year? The amount of staff that needs to be paid for their long hours trying to run a successful athletic department? What gives Western Michigan students or Michigan State students the right to get into Kelly/Shorts Stadium for free?

Of course, students from other schools are going to be charged for entry, how else do you expect the school to generate revenue? They didn’t have to travel to Mount Pleasant, nobody is forcing them. If they are true football fans, they will pony up the money to see their team.

And for the guy who called it glorified high school football? Where did he play college ball? If you are going to go to the game to heckle our school and rip on everybody, stay home.

I am shocked that this article was published in the school newspaper.

Mike Fata, very irritated CMU student
