Online degree audit system set for release Jan. 23

Central Michigan University's online audit system is scheduled for release by the end of the month.

The program is designed to inform students of exactly where they stand in progress to their degree through a detailed list of what courses have been satisfied, which ones are in progress and which ones have yet to be met.

“The date is set for the morning of Jan. 23,” Registrar Karen Hutslar said via email. “A Maestro announcement is set to go out shortly before this date with more information and where the link will be on CentralLink.”

The program began Phase I testing Oct. 8 for more than 70 faculty and staff volunteers. Phase I testing included the ability to perform individual audits for general education requirements, an audit for the M.S.A. degree for students in the program and an advising workbench to access student information.

“We have been working on making corrections to all that was found as errors or suggested enhancements to this first phase,” Hutslar said.

Hutslar said the program's release date was chosen with student interest in mind.

“We knew that, at the beginning of the term, students are concentrating on finalizing their class schedules and getting set in all their classes, and that is their top priority, so we wanted to wait until that was over,” she said.

Other progress made on Phase I includes the addition of degree substitutions and modifications to majors and minors. As reported in November, possible future development on the project includes showing course descriptions and integration with course search and registration.

Built using previous technology and staffing, the online audit system is reported to not cost the university any extra money.

Associate Vice President of University Communications Sherry Knight told CM Life in November the project is a joint effort between Enrollment and Student Services, Global Campus, Office of Information Technology and the provost’s office.
