COLUMN: You're not entitled to everything

It’s earned, not handed to you.

This is one thing that students, especially the younger ones, do not seem to understand.

No one wants to work anymore for what they want. They think it will just happen or someone will invent an app for it.

It doesn’t work that way.

Hard work is hard, and it is the only thing that will get you what you deserve.

I hear students talk big. They have big dreams of becoming famous writers, politicians or the best manager for a big company. Oh, and, of course, they always want it to all happen in a “big city.”

But that’s on the days they actually show up to class.

Having big dreams and goals is great and all, but what are they doing to attain them?

Most do nothing.

They sleep in, stroll to class in pajamas and continue their slumber while drooling on their desk.

But, these people want to make the big bucks, remember?

I feel no sympathy for people who apply for internships or jobs and don’t get them if their resume is slim.

People who go on to make excuses for not having a job make themselves seem even worse.

You don’t need a job to build your resume.

Start doing things that line up with your future career by gaining any experience you can, and not necessarily through a job. If the club for it doesn’t exist on campus, start it yourself.

It’s all about who you know, what you do and where you’re going. I think we've all heard that before.

Wake up, people.

A job is not going to be handed to you. Your finished homework is not going to be handed to you. An "A" on an exam is definitely not going to be handed to you.

I don’t know if it is because technology is now glued to the hands of 7-year-olds or people really are just that lazy, but it needs to stop.

You can’t Google everything for the rest of your life.

This “me” generation is sickening.

The only way some people don’t display the “me” mentality is when they mess up.

The blame is instantly put on someone else.

It’s not another person’s fault that you forgot your homework or missed class or flunked an exam.

Start taking responsibility for your actions and prepare for the real world, because, after college, it’s only going to get harder.
