COLUMN: Three weeks to freedom

Three weeks, ladies and gentlemen.

It’s almost time to burn your books and take your clothes off (bathing suits, come on now).

But, in order to get to that marvelous time called summer, you have to get through the rest of the semester’s heaping pile of busy work.

How do you do that, though, when you have no motivation?

Do you spend your nights Googling summer concerts, looking at puppies on Tumblr and stalking yourself on Facebook?

Yeah, me too.

It seems like as soon as we wind down to the last 20 days of school, nothing matters.

I come home from class and nap for four hours then somehow force myself to zombie walk out of my room to make coffee and write stuff.

Sitting through class is becoming impossible. I don’t care what else you have to teach me. I don’t want to study for another exam. I don’t want to write another paper. I just want to go home.

If you’re anything like me, I am a hell of a lot better at shelling out advice than taking my own.

I might not be motivated myself (I should be writing a paper), but I can tell you a couple things: Once you accomplish what you need to get done, you'll feel freer than a hamster in one of those plastic rolling balls.

Going on Facebook is not going to get you ahead of the game. Re-tweeting stupid posts on Twitter won’t make you any smarter. And, believe me, YouTube has nothing worth flunking your exam over, unless it’s the “How Animals Eat Their Food” video. I will give that one a pass.

Sure, summer is lovely to fantasize about, but it won’t be that lovely when you’re sitting in a classroom with the same professor, repeating the class you failed because you slacked the last couple of weeks.

Buckle down now and reap the benefits after with a trip to Doozie’s or something fantastical. Setting short-term goals for yourself will help you along the way to open roads and sunshine (no promises on sunshine).

If you can’t control yourself and you own a MacBook, download the Self Control app. You can block yourself from a list of specific websites for a certain amount of time. Even if you restart your computer, you can’t get on the site. It’s a sad reality I face every day.

With all that said, any other type of motivation right now is hard to come by. If you find it, let a girl know.
