CMED professor and surgeon named to Michigan Board of Medicine


Sandra Howell MD -CMEDSandra Howell, assistant professor and co-course director of the hematology and gastrointestinal courses at CMED, was named to the Michigan Board of Doctors by Gov. Rick Snyder.

Howell has worked with CMED since its early conception and helped design courses and develop curriculums.

CMED purchased her clinical practice in Mount Pleasant, Breast and Skin Surgical Services, in 2012 and added it to CMU Healthcare, becoming the first clinical practice to be acquired by the group.

She specializes in evaluating and treating benign and malignant breast disease and has worked in mid-Michigan for more than 15 years.

The board is responsible for disciplining doctors who are in violation of the Michigan Public Health Code and also deal with issues regarding the registration and licensing of Michigan physicians.

"It's going to be a tremendous learning experience and I'm looking forward to it," Howell said. "It's a great honor and a great responsibility."

Howell said she is grateful for the opportunity to serve on the board in addition to working her practice and with CMED students.

Howell was nominated to the board by Ernest Yoder, dean of CMED and Kathleen Wilbur, vice president of development and external relations. She was officially named to the board last month and will serve a four-year term on the 19-member board.
