Save the papers

National Newspaper Week highlights importance of the press

An informed and engaged citizenship is the cornerstone of a strong nation. This week – National Newspaper Week’s 74th Anniversary – we are reminded that healthy journalism makes for flourishing, vibrant communities. 

From the local level to a national scope, today’s media looks drastically different than it did five years ago. With the advent of the Internet and other smart technologies, the way in which we consume news continues to change. 

Instantaneous, aggregated news is increasingly the preferred method of dissemination. “Listicle” and blurb news requires little effort to read, and the audience is much less engaged as a result. In addition, an emphasis on entertainment has sometimes lowered standards of reporting. 

Total employment in newspaper publishing has dropped by more than 40 percent in the last 10 years, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor statistics. Meanwhile, the number of Americans who read papers in print is steadily declining.

But we must not forget that today’s best journalism is still printed in newspapers.

Central Michigan University teaches students to be engaged, to think critically and to ultimately become the leaders of tomorrow. We believe the old adage still rings true: leaders are readers.   

For 95 years, Central Michigan Life has served as the premiere news source of our community, working tirelessly to provide every student on campus a voice. Nearly a century after our first paper landed on news racks, we continue to value the relationship we share with readers and realize the importance of working together to share the stories of our community.

Our newsroom is comprised of young, passionate reporters who constantly keep their eyes open and ears to the ground in order to relay the most important information to readers. We are not perfect, and we do receive criticism, but we pride ourselves on our resilience and ability to turn mistakes into learning opportunities.

We aspire to learn the skills to help be the storytellers that will build a vibrant community served by educated and engaged citizens. 

The struggle of newspapers to stay profitable is nothing new. People have been claiming for years that news is dead. Not only do we denounce that notion, we bet our futures on the fact that the news business is still very much alive. 

Each member of our staff possesses the passion to make the business of reporting and storytelling thrive once again.   

Whether you pick up a print copy of our paper, read our content on a smartphone or visit, we consider it vital to stay up to date with the latest news.

Perhaps the best byproduct of the changing news model is the greater opportunity for conversation. No longer is newsgathering and reporting a one-way street. Social media allows the audience to play a more active role in the process, which benefits both the press and the public.

We invite you to play a stronger part in the conversation of our community. Consider joining our Editorial Board or submitting guest letters and columns to make sure your perspective is represented in our pages. 

Let us work together to build a more vibrant campus community.   
