COLUMN: Join the conversation on campus

Greetings Central Michigan University students. I am Elio Stante, the Opinion Editor at Central Michigan Life. This year brings new faces and new ideas to campus, and with that, a new direction for the Opinion Desk.

CM Life and I are trying to expand the opinion section to include a more diverse range of opinions and a broader range of topics.

Anyone can write a letter to the editor, or a guest column. There are also staff columnist positions for full-time students. To any student reading this, please take this as an official job offer from CM Life and write to us at There will also be an all staff meeting at 8pm on Wednesday, September 6, in Moore Hall Room 436, for anyone interested in working at CM Life.

We welcome any one and every one interested.

This year at CM Life, we want to expand the opinion section and cover a wide range of topics, that include movies, music, television, video games, sports, and personal experiences on campus. We are even looking for a cartoonist.

Anything there is an opinion about, we want it.

If you think that Bioware killed the “Mass Effect” series, write about it. If you feel that CMU should expand the free weight area in the Student Activity Center, write about it. If you watched the “Babadook” and thought it was terrible, write a review. If you think that there should be changes to residence hall policy, write about it. If there is a discovery in a scientific or medical field that you are excited about, write about it.

It is not just pop culture or personal experiences that we want.

In this explosive political environment, we want your thoughts on politics and social issues that concern you. We want to make sure that every voice can be heard. If you believe in the far-right, the far-left, or anywhere in between, I want to make sure that every side of an issue is presented.

Not only does CM Life want to read your opinions, I can guarantee other students feel and think the same way as you.

With over one million online hits last year, CM Life is a larger platform than just a Facebook post or a Tweet. CM Life is here to give your voice a megaphone.

We are looking for anyone that is passionate about writing, not just journalism students. Any and all majors are welcome to work at CM Life. If you have an idea for a weekly column, email me so we can set up a meeting, and talk about your ideas. If you write something, send it in, and I promise that I will work with you to find where it can fit in CM Life.

CM Life is here for any student wanting to write and make their voice be heard. The Opinion Desk is here for every student. Email us at Again, please take this as an official job offering and come to Moore Hall 436, at 8pm on Sept. 6 to see all that CM Life has to offer.
