Faculty member to encourage discussion on authentic masculinity


The Education and Human Services building stands on April 3 on the campus of Central Michigan University. (File Photo)

Counseling and special education faculty member Terry McGlasson is hosting a discussion on authentic masculinity at 8 p.m. on Sept. 26 in the Education and Human Services building first-floor French Auditorium. "Authenticity in Masculinity" or AIM is meant to provide a space where men of all ages can come together to address issues in masculinity and form authentic relationships.

“If you know you’re capable of more; if you know you have things to say and questions to ask; if you’re done with living up to society’s or other people’s ideas of masculinity – this is for you,” the flyer for the event reads.

Authentic masculinity focuses on identifying as a man and harnessing healthy masculinity to improve inward, all while making the world a better place. McGlasson has been counseling men for more than 25 years, and he hopes that creating a respectful environment will lead to productive conversations.

Those interested in attending can RSVP or send questions to McGlasson at mcgla1t@cmich.edu.
