Anthony Lazzaro helped move CM Life into the digital world in his time at CMU

In a series of interviews, we asked our Alumni about their experiences at CM Life. Read on to see how Anthony Lazzaro shares his "Life Story."


In celebration of CM Life's upcoming 100 Year Anniversary, we asked alumnus Anthony Lazzaro to reflect on his time at CM Life and how it helped him get prepared for the job he has today.

Q: What year did you begin working at CM Life?

A: May, 2013.

Q: How long were you here?

A: 2 Years.

Q: What position did you work in?

A: Business and Product Development. I helped CM Life transition from a print to a digital agency.

Q: What were some highlights or favorite memories while working for CM Life?

A: Working with open-minded staff who wanted to take risks. CM Life was faced with some changes in the market, it forced us to think of new ways to do things and break traditions. With the efforts of all staff members, we were able to accomplish a lot including launching new products and services such as Social Cafe, Digital Advertising Packages/Bundles, and one-off events such as Campus Golf and Motivated Mitten Speaking Event.

Q: How did your experience at CM Life influence your career?

A: CM Life's Kathy Simon really believed in me and trusted me to lead a new direction and bring a new creative perspective to CM Life. As her being a leader, that taught me a lot. Hire people you believe in and help break down barriers for them to succeed. There were many talented people that were on staff at CM Life.

Q: Do you still keep up with CM Life regularly?

A: Yes, in the Alumni Facebook group, social outlets, and the many contacts I have met there.

Q: Where do you work now?

A: I'm the Co-Founder of Carol Health, and I'm the Senior Product Development Specialist at Spectrum Health Innovations.

Q: And finally, what advice would you give to current CM Lifers?

A: Take advantage of the opportunity and environment that CM Life provides. You can test, fail, learn, build, and achieve at CM Life. Not many organizations can provide the same. It's one of those things that you don't realize you have until it's gone, and I mean that in the best way. CM Life provides real and meaningful value to its clients on an advertising side that outcompetes many organizations that students with a degree seek out to work at.

The 100 Year Anniversary celebration will be at Soaring Eagle Casino and Conference Center on Nov. 16 at 5 p.m. Click here to purchase tickets. They must be purchased by Nov. 13 at 4 p.m. in order to attend.
