Some rally participants patronizing, radical

Whether or not Phil Hornshaw was present at the rally on Wednesday is seemingly irrelevant, because I was there and was personally insulted by the “Affirmative Action is Racist” rally participants.

Topinabee sophomore Dennis Lennox II directly insulted a friend of mine (Angela Vincent) after she cordially walked over to the group of four anti-affirmative action demonstrators prior to either rally. What was said by Mr. Lennox does not need to be repeated, but it included profanely requesting Angela to leave or the police would be called, for no just reason.

It is important to note that none of the Anti-MCRI chants or signs were in any manner offensive or demeaning. In fact many of the signs simply stated “Vote No on 2.”

Perhaps Mr. Lennox was too preoccupied chanting “Racists go home!” and pointing his finger to realize he himself was being a nuisance.

I personally feel the Anti-MCRI rally participants held up our end of the agreement, even when the “Affirmative Action is Racist” participants were patronizing our participants.

Dennis Lennox II is an openly radical conservative who feels it is his job to represent all Republicans on campus, so if you are a Republican here at CMU, you should know that Lennox is greatly disenfranchising and soiling your political affiliates without your consent.

The actions of Lennox were utterly deplorable and disgusting.
