Anti-gay chalkers remain unknown

Discussion and allegations continue today about the anti-gay messages written on sidewalks between Anspach and Pearce Hall.

No one has claimed responsibility for the chalkings that appeared Monday afternoon.

The messages included phrases such as "Where's my Pride Week?" and "Say 'No' to Gay Pride."

Ben Dotson, co-president of the Gay/Straight Alliance, said he thought the university had struck a good balance between dealing with the chalkings' offensive nature and students' rights.

"I think that as offensive as the chalking is, it is good to know that CMU students and the campus as a whole still support the organization or person's freedom of speech," the Tennessee sophomore said.

Many names have been mentioned as to who is responsible for the chalking.

Young Americans for Freedom have claimed Pride Week chair and Midland freshman Kent Malosh is the responsible party and has a video that supposedly shows Malosh chalking posted on .

Malosh said it was not him in the video.

"Anyone who knows me knows I don't look like that," Malosh said. "His hair is a different color, he doesn't wear glasses and is heavier set."

Malosh said he plans to attempt to get his name removed from the Web site by talking to the university or going to legal authorities.

"If they wanted a fight, they got it," Malosh said.

Another allegation involves Topinabee sophomore Dennis Lennox II, the former Young Americans for Freedom president.

"I saw someone writing something on the sidewalk," said Detroit sophomore Benjamin Beutel-Gunn. "I asked another student the person's name and he told me it was Dennis Lennox."

Lennox said these allegations are false.

"This is a witch hunt against YAF," Lennox said. "We typically don't chalk. YAF has no policies against homosexuals."

University President Michael Rao on Tuesday appointed Dean of Students Bruce Roscoe to chair a committee on chalkings on campus.
