Our Readers Voice

I just wanted to state how outraged I was that there was no mention of my favorite fictional CMU student, Dennis Lennox II, in Monday's paper. I've been following the character of Dennis Lennox ever since he was created by Danielle Portteus back in 2005.

I just love every episode of his story. There isn't one where Lennox hasn't gotten himself into some predicament, and then used his shrewd intellect or lawyer to escape, just in time! Every day I open up the paper to see what kind of trouble he'll get into next! It's exhilarating!

I mean, whoever writes those stories is so creative. I never see the plot twists coming! Who could've predicted that Lennox would show up with a gigantic milk carton to fight his arch nemesis, the evil Dr. Peters? Peters is always trying to put one over on the CMU community, but along comes Lennox with one of his crazy schemes, trying to show us what's right.

What I really like about the character of Dennis Lennox II is that, even though he's misguided and takes things out of context, you can tell his heart's in the right place. It's endearing to fans of the stories.

So please, CM Life, bring back this entertaining character as soon as ... wait. What's that you say? He's a real person? Not a character in a story? No, can't be. Nobody would act like that in real life..

Josh Melvin

Clarkston senior
