Our Readers' Voice

From cm-life.com

We got 17. Respect the effort.

Jared Geist posted at 7:57 a.m. on Sept. 6, 2008 commenting on "No. 2 Georgia runs over Central 56-17"

I am as tired as the next guy of seeing articles on this kid, but as long as CM Life lacks real, innovative journalism, we will continue to suffer. That said, the article, (as well as Lennox's complaint) is ridiculous. His rights were not trampled. He was simply not invited to be a part of the panel. He is still allowed to attend the event. I do not question his commitment to positive change on campus, however, his views of what positive change versus those views of others' differ tremendously. Everywhere he goes, he is looking to start a fight, which takes away from his credibility ... this is why I believe he was not invited to be a member of the panel - nobody would gain from his participation.

Rob Hayes posted at 2:25 a.m. on Sept. 4, 2008 commenting on "Lennox: Forums discriminate against group"

Normally I'm against townships that lure in businesses with the promise of lower taxes because it hurts the cities they are near. But now I hope Mr. Dore continues his fight to bring a Hooters to Mount Pleasant. His new location would preferably be outside the city limits where liberal, NIMBYist, naysayers like Mr. Jesuit and Ms. Barker won't be able to reap the economic benefits that any developments in this area will bring.

John Denny posted at 10 a.m. on Sept. 5, 2008 commenting on "Planning Commission rejects site plans for Hooters restaurant" Ah yes, the property value thing again ... yeah there's a great booster for property an abandoned building in your backyard. Blight does great for property, ask the people of Gary, Ind. Goes to show you that just because you have a degree doesn't mean you're intelligent.

Randey Mathis posted on Sept. 6, 2008 at 12:24 p.m. commenting on "Planning Commission rejects site plans for Hooters restaurant"

Is proof required to show recipients of benefits are same sex couples and not just roomates? If so, what type of verification is required?

William B Schwager posted at 6:23 p.m. on Sept. 5, 2008 commenting on "Acting for diversit"
