College Republicans collect donations outside Park Library to support troops in Afghanistan

A banner bound for Afghanistan is full of signatures from well-wishers.

College Republicans held the second “Salute to the Troops” event Wednesday in Central Park, next to the Charles V. Park Library. A banner was supplied for students to sign and send to the Michigan Army National Guard’s 125th Infantry Division’s Company C of Wyoming, stationed in Afghanistan.

“I think people should always support the troops; some people don’t support the cause, but people should always support the troops,” said Canton freshman Richard Peters.

The CMU Bookstore donated 150 shirts and donations were accepted to help cover the shipping cost of the shirts.

“I know lots of people in the military — I’ve got family in the military and friends right here at CMU who are about to serve in Iraq or Afghanistan,” said Travis Faber, Battle Creek senior and member of the College Republicans.

Faber said only part of the unit is there now, so some not stationed stopped by and signed the banner.

Kevin Cotter, Republican candidate for State Representative of the 99th District, attended and said he knows someone nrecently out of the military. He said he thinks it will mean a lot to the troops.

“I think it also is good to bring awareness to the students here on campus as they see this and sign — it brings it to the forefront of their mind the sacrifices that others are making to protect our freedoms,” Cotter said.

Faber said he thinks students need to do more to support the troops.

“It takes half a second to sign your name to something that will hopefully bring a lot of joy to somebody that’s over in a country really far away from here,” Faber said.

The total amount of donations made was $23.91 and about 517 signed the banner.

Cotter said the troops’ efforts are very noble.

“They are putting their lives on the line to protect our freedoms, without our troops we would not have those freedoms,” he said.
