Ask Design: 'How do you help a friend,' and 'I have a crush on a professor'

How do you help friends who won't help themselves?

Seeing a friend go through a breakdown is tough.

I’ve seen my sister go through divorce, my other go through bankruptcy, and now my brother is going through separation.

What do I do? I listen.

Whether it sounds ridiculous or not, or if I disagree with it, I still listen and give my advice when needed.

Do not push anything on your friend because that will only make things worse. Although your help and concern is needed, it might be necessary to let your friend crash and burn.

I know that sounds terrible, but people learn from their mistakes, and if that’s what it takes to help your friend realize there are other options, then so be it.

- Amelia

What should you do if you have a crush on one of your professors?


It does not make a difference in the situation whether the professor is single or has a ring on. Dating a professor could never end well.

Realistically, what is the best that could happen? You guys begin dating and then you become Mrs. Professor and live out the rest of your days in sunny Mount Pleasant? Pass.

You just need to remind yourself that it is simply a crush. People fall in and out of them all the time. And while it may seem like he is flirting with you on occasion, it is probably because you have a heightened sense of fantasy when it comes to this person.

But you should enjoy it. Crushes can be really fun, and it provides a lot of good day-dreaming material for when you’re bored in one of his lectures. But actually trying to make something out of your longing just is not practical.

Treat him like a movie star: Completely unattainable, but still fun to look at.

- Chelsea
