'Trade Your Treasures' offers exchange of unwanted items throughout community

"Trade Your Treasures," a biannual event that allows city residents to exchange unwanted items with other members of the community, will begin Friday evening.
To participate, residents simply place their large unwanted items curbside. Along with the item, there should be a visible free sign to alert “treasure hunters” these items are free for the taking.
“This event has been very successful in the past,” said Public Works Office Employee Julie Courtney. “I think students are more apt to use the one in May to get rid of things that their life expectancy has expired, like a couch that is no longer usable.”
To insure an item will be picked up even if another resident does not collect it, owners may also purchase a collection sticker at City Hall or the Division of Public Works office no later than Sept. 15.
Items not picked up by fellow residents will start to be collected by city crews on Friday, Sept. 16.
Central Michigan University students also often participate in the event.
“This event is really helpful in getting rid of large unwanted items,” Rochester Hills junior Jennifer Hayes said. "Last year I got rid of multiple items that I knew I wouldn’t be using the next year."
She said she participated because it is nice to know someone else is getting use out of her items.
Local student housing complexes help in spreading awareness of the events to tenants.
"We do notify our residents of the event and provide them of the details," said David Acles, manager of AMES LLC Student Homes. "We have hoped that this would help them out with getting rid of some unwanted items as well as finding some items in exchange."
