Top 10 scary movies


Nosferatu"Nosferatu" (1922)

This is one of the original vampire films that follows vampire Count Orlok as he looks for a new home. The lack of special effects and the silence only add to its creepy, eerie feeling. Visually stunning, this movie is considered one of the classics of cinema.

"Psycho" (1960)

One of the ultimate horror films, "Psycho" follows an on-the-run secretary as she checks into a strange motel run by a mother and son. Alfred Hitchcock, the master of suspense, perfectly blends the horror, slasher and suspense genres together.

"Halloween" (1978)

This classic film follows the infamous psychopath Michael Myers as he escapes a mental institution on the 15th anniversary of his first murder. This is one of the ultimate slasher flicks and the perfect watch for a dark Halloween night.

"Alien" (1979)

This film takes place on the rescue space shuttle Nostromo and follows the actions of crew members as they learn they are not alone. This is one of the scariest science fiction movies of all time and is as masterfully directed as it is terrifying.

"The Shining" (1980)

"Here's Johnny!" Arguably one of the most popular horror films of all time, "The Shining" lives up to its reputation. A writer moves his family to a secluded mountain hotel where tormenting insanity and psychotic visions take control.

"The Thing" (1982)

A stranded team of scientists realize an alien has infiltrated the camp where they are staying. The bad news for the team is that the alien has the ability to take the shape of whoever it kills. Set in Antarctica, this movie epitomizes paranoia and remains a constant terror.

"Jacob's Ladder" (1990)

This film is a quintessential psychological thriller. A man with post-traumatic stress disorder tries to understand his horrific visions as he finds it continually harder to separate dreams from reality. Confusing and terrifying, this film will leave you as disassociated as the main character.

"Silence of the Lambs" (1991)

To catch a killer, FBI agent Clarice Starling must seek the help of imprisoned psychopath Hannibal Lecter, but she gets much more than she bargains for. Considered a masterpiece, "Silence of the Lambs" is unnervingly suspenseful.

"Noroi" (2005)

A documentary filmmaker explores seemingly unrelated paranormal events connected by the legend of an ancient demon called the "Kagutaba." This is a truly scary film and if you can get your hands on it, it's an absolute must see.

"[Rec]" (2007)

This Spanish original is the most recent film on the list and is as scary as the classics. A group of emergency workers and a reporter get trapped inside a building, where they quickly learn they are not alone.

Honorable mentions: "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974), "Rosemary's Baby" (1968), "Evil Dead" (1981), "Jaws" (1975)
