COLUMN: It's the most stressful time of the year

Ah, exam week. The smell of coffee is strong in the air, and everywhere you look, students are frantically scurrying back and forth with a manic glint in their eyes.

The library is filled with people studying, slumped over desks with dark circles under their eyes, smelling of highlighter ink and despair.

That's right, kids. We've once again reached exam week, the mental and emotional "Hunger Games" that happens once a semester.

Sure, some of you might have it easy – only a couple of classes, easy A's, all that jazz. Others, like me, have a little bit more riding on those final exams coming up.

Unexpectedly hard classes, sub-par professors, whatever the story is, there's no denying it – we've reached a very stressful time of year.

So, how does one go about trying to relax in the stress-filled mire that is exam week?

It's a tough one, let me tell you. Sure, everyone says to get enough sleep – you'll feel better if you just sleep a little. But how are you supposed to sleep with six exams to study for?

To be perfectly honest, I don't know. That's a question whose answer I'm still searching for.

However, getting close to eight hours of sleep a night, at least in the weeks leading up to exams, can be really good for your body and mind.

Other than sleep, you can try exercising, which admittedly, is not for everyone. But, if physical activity is something that calms you down and clears your mind, you should absolutely try to make time for it during exam week. Take your trig notes down the SAC, hop on an elliptical and study while you're working on those buns of steel.

Exercising not for you? Try taking a nice, hot shower, or maybe watching an episode of a television show that makes you laugh.

Eat some Ben and Jerry's, play a silly game with your roommate, or listen to a Disney soundtrack.

There are plenty of things you can do to relieve stress and make yourself feel a little less frazzled and anxious during exam week and with the pressure of the holidays looming ever nearer.

In the end, it's all about finding what works for you, even if it's just taking a moment to do some deep breathing while you're blazing through your psychology textbook at 3 a.m. So buckle up, go watch some cat videos on the Internet, and then get back to work.

You've only got a few short days until the sweet relief of winter break. Hang in there, and then we can all go out in style.
