Special Olympics continues campaign to end misuse of r-word


therwordWednesday marks the beginning of the annual “Spread the Word to End the Word” campaign, put on by Special Olympics.

The day of awareness is dedicated to recognizing the harmful effects that the words "retard" and "retarded" inflict on others, in hopes of encouraging people to stop using them. Special Olympics will be hosting events throughout March and April. 

Special Olympics Michigan has partnered with the Detroit Pistons to raise awareness of “Spread the Word to End the Word” by having SOMI basketball athletes form the tunnel for the Pistons to run through as they make their way onto the court before the game Wednesday. Tickets can be purchased for “exclusive prices” from the Special Olympics Michigan website, with a portion of the proceeds going to SOMI.

In addition to the Pistons game, Special Olympics Michigan has scheduled a list of other events in honor of “Spread the Word to End the Word,” which are scheduled throughout March, and include an upcoming volleyball fundraiser and an anti-bullying, student-produced movie premiere.

Tickets and more information about “Spread the Word to End the Word 2014” can be found on the Special Olympics Michigan website, as well as r-word.org.
