Student groups to raise awareness with Recyclemania competition


recycleStudents from the College of Health Professions and the College of Science and Technology are organizing a presentation to promote water quality and recycling issues.

In addition to competing in the 2014 Recyclemania competition, the Health Professions Residential College, Science and Technology Residential College and Student Environmental Health Association are teaming up to promote recycling efforts on campus, as well as raise awareness on issues regarding water quality.

The presentation will be given by Don Uzarski, director of the CMU Institute for Great Lakes Research, and will be held at 7 p.m. on March 31 in the French Auditorium in the Education and Human Services Building. The event is open to CMU students and the community.

HPRC and STRC have been competing against each other in a friendly internal bout, in addition to the Recyclemania contest. The results of their competition will be announced March 31. The three student groups will have posters on recycling and other issues on display, which will later be submitted to the Student Research and Creative Endeavors Exhibition taking place April 16.

Recyclemania began on Feb. 2 with more than 200 schools around the country competing.
