Dr. Suzanne Cross to give lecture on Native American boarding school abuse


The American Civil Liberties Union of Central Michigan University will welcome Dr. Suzanne Cross to give a lecture discussing the historical trauma inflicted on American Indians from U.S. Indian boarding schools from 1890 to 1984.

Cross, a member of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, will give the lecture from 7- 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday at the Charles V. Park Library.

In 1877, the United States Congress began appropriation funds specifically for Native American education to “civilize the uncivilized.” The policy included maltreatment and abuses of power which inflicted trauma, isolation, physical and psychological abuse to young Native American children.

Cross, an associate professor emeritus for the School of Social Work at Michigan State University, will discuss the effect the trauma continues to have on tribal nations. She hopes to increase awareness and understanding of how these past events affect the present and future.
